Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Affordable Dark Circle Treatment by Skin Specialist in Delhi

Dark circles under the eyes are an extremely common and distressing ailment encountered by many women at some stage of their lives. Dark circles are the second most common dermatologic complaint found in women after pimples.

Dark circles under the eyes are caused by a very specific physiological mechanism. The skin is perfused with blood capillaries in which the hemoglobin laden blood cells flows continuously. When some hemoglobin containing blood cells enter the skin tissue due to leakage from capillaries they get oxidized in the skin layers and the red color of the blood changes to black. This black color in normal circumstances faints away slowly as in cases of bruises due to trauma. The skin under eyes is very thi n and delicate, the capilaaries are very superficial due to scanty tissue under skin around eyes and hence dark circles in these areas look more prominent.

Skin Specialist suggests various other factors which further adds to the problem and make the circles more prominent are :

Age: Aging is also a main factor for the development of dark circles. As you age, the skin becomes dry and the dark circles become very prominent.

Stress: Stress too is considered to be another common cause of dark circles. Dark circles are developed due to stress which includes excessive workload, family and financial poblems etc. Stress has become quite common also among the youth which in turn cause dark blemishes under their eyes at an early age.

Lack of proper sleep: A good 8 hour sleep is required for the proper functioning of the body as well as to maintain the beauty, glow and health of the skin. Deprivement from sleep can result in dark circles de novo or add to the existing problem therby making them more prominent.

Dehydration: Excessive loss of water from the body leads to dry skin which inturn can result in darkening of the skin especially at delicate, thin areas.

Nutritional deficiency: Dark circles can also result from an unbalanced, unhealthy diet. It is very important to consume a meal that is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals that are extremely essential for the body's development and proper functioning of skin repair system.These nutrients should be consumed on a daily basis to avoid any kind of health related problems.

Various treatment options available for dark circles include:

    * Peels: Arginine, Lactic acid, Kojic acid and combination peels.
    * Mesotherapy
    * Topical creams containing alpha hydroxyl acids , Vitamin C serum etc